Egypt, Greece, Rome, Romanesque, Gothic, Byzantine


Click on a thumbnail to see a larger image
zigurat.JPG (258491 bytes) Ziggurat    
Tutchair.jpg (151244 bytes) Egyptian Chair
note visual characteristics of chair, surface decorations and motifs 
P5280005.jpg (379567 bytes) egyptchairBW.jpg (56873 bytes)
Detail of Egyptian chair, note motifs
erechtheum.JPG (389354 bytes) caryatids.JPG (209136 bytes) Caryatid Porch of the Erechtheum, Athenian Acropolis, Greece, 
c.400 B C.
orderdeatil.JPG (268658 bytes)
Detail of Doric and Ionic Order
The "Orders" were a set of building plans that communicated the size, proportion and decorative elements of a temple
earlygktemple.JPG (211315 bytes) Greek and Roman temples had an exterior portico and an a cella (also known as a naos) inside.  Sacrificial offerings were done outside the temple.  romantemple.JPG (203721 bytes)Roman Temple
These temples were meant to be seen from the front
klismos.JPG (150579 bytes)Greek klismos chair   curulelion.JPG (280383 bytes)Roman sella curulis and lion monopodium table  
romanbasilica.JPG (213950 bytes)Roman Basilica. 
The thick end walls carry the thrust of the last arch but due to the counter thrust of the adjacent arches, the center piers are much thinner. 
earlychurch.JPG (333974 bytes)
The Early Christians used the Roman Basilica as a building prototype for for their churches.  They changes the location of the door from the side wall to facilitate better site lines their liturgical service 
outsidestpete.JPG (348270 bytes)Saint Peter's Basilica
Note the atrium and vestibule areas as well as the clerestory lighting above the roof of the side aisles. 
stpeteplan.JPG (352634 bytes)
Plan of Saint Peter's.  Note the nave, side aisles, transept and apsidal end where the alter is located
romanesqueplan.JPG (191717 bytes)Plan of a Romanesque church.  Notice how the transept has changed to include a crossing and the addition of the ambulatory behind the chancel. Compare the thickness of the walls and size and location of support piers to the Gothic plan on the right. gothicplan.JPG (373407 bytes)
Plan of a Gothic Church
Flying buttresses carry the thrust of the arches outside of the building, allowing these walls to be much thinner.
gothicceiling.JPG (412809 bytes)View of Gothic Church Ceiling gothicwall.JPG (403822 bytes)View of Gothic Church Triforium and Clerestory  

Syllabus Egypt, Greece, Rome, Romanesque, Gothic, Byzantine  Renaissance Baroque Rococo